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Health & Safety

DGL is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all workers, visitors and subcontractors within our working environment. To demonstrate our commitment DGL has developed and will maintain a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System.


A robust Health & Safety Policy is signed and endorsed by our directors. An outline of our Heath & Safety Policy is shown below

  • Set measurable health and safety objectives and performance criteria for all work areas and review our objectives and performance in attaining them.

  • Actively encourage the accurate and timely reporting and recording of all accidents, incidents and unsafe conditions.

  • Investigate all reported accidents, incidents and reported unsafe conditions, to ensure all contributing factors are identified and controlled

  • Actively encourage the early reporting of any pain or discomfort.

  • Provide a treatment and rehabilitation plan that supports workers with injuries whether sustained at work or not and encourage a timely and durable return to work.

  • Identify any new hazards and take all steps so far as reasonably practicable, to eliminate or minimize them. Also, effectively control existing hazards and associated risks, regularly review that the controls in place for these hazards remain effective.

  • Ensure that all workers are made aware of the hazards in their work area and are adequately trained on how to control such hazards and perform their duties in a safe manner.

  • At all times lead by example, promote safe work practices remain proactive and have a thorough understanding of Health & Safety responsibilities.

  • Engage with workers to participate in identification, analysis and development of action plans to address health and safety issues.

  • Meet or exceed our obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, Codes of Practices and any relevant standards or Guidelines, and continue to build an effective inclusive safety culture within our Business that promotes safety leadership and good work practices.

  • Ensure ongoing evaluation, review and updating of compliance with the health and safety plan and this policy

  • Ensure all levels of management are accountable for health and safety performance in their area of responsibility

  • Ensure contractors comply with the requirements of this policy

Forest Safety

Forestry is one of the closest watched and regulated industries in New Zealand, and at DGL we treat our employee's safety above all else.


As a Safetree certified contractor, all our employees are provided with training and education to ensure they are qualified for the work they perform, and we work closely with forest owners to identify and eliminate risks.


DGL works closely with training and education providers to upskill our staff with the right qualifications for their roles. We are partnered with Te Pukenga who provide skills for industry through apprenticeship schemes.

Drugs & Alcohol

To protect our new and existing employees DGL carries out frequent Drug & Alcohol testing in accordance within regulatory guidelines. We work with employees that need help with any drug and alcohol problems to get them back on the right track, and we carry out work in our community educating people on the negative effects.  

Safetree Certified

As a Safetree Certified Contractor, we are assessed on health and safety, employment standards and professionalism. These standards have been developed in partnership with industry contractors, management companies, forest owners and government. The standards reflect international good practice.


Here are some of the other ways that we work to provide a safe working environment:

  • SOP/Monitoring

  • Planning – Tailgate meetings for all forestry crews, workshop, Transport

  • Breaking out, felling daily planning

  • Mechanical task job sheets and risk checklists

  • Robust Health & Safety Management System which is available online and hardcopy

  • Monthly Health & Safety Meetings with all divisions and crews

  • Monthly audits and certifications to ensure compliance

  • Training and supervision for workers to ensure competence in the tasks being carried out

  • Regular attendance and Hawkes Bay Health & Safety Forums, Principal health & safety industry meetings​

  • Safety devices fitted to the vehicle fleet

  • DGL workers Health & Safety Committee

  • PPE supplied

  • Utilising new safety technology

  • Principal champion safety meeting for staff to attend


Thanks! We will review your enquiry soon and be in touch.

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2022 Winner:


DGL Affiliate Forest Industry Contractors Association
DGL Affiliate MITO
DGL Affiliate NZ Heavy Haulage
DGL Affiliate Competenz Forestry Skills Training
DGL Affiliate SafeTree Certified Contractor
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